Atomic Heart has recently been released for PC and consoles. The highly anticipated alternate-history game has garnered attention ever since its debut reveal.
As such, it has made its way to all major gaming systems. But what about the Nintendo Switch? The Japanese gaming company's popular hybrid console is currently the highest-selling gaming device.
This has prompted many big and small developers to bring their games to the tiny handheld. With that said, is Atomic Heart available on Nintendo Switch?
Those following the game's lengthy development cycle should know it was never slated for the Nintendo Switch. The target platforms have always been PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. This is also reflected in the scalability of the game across various platforms.
Despite that, Atomic Heart is a visually stunning game on all fronts. From the detailed indoors of abandoned underground industries to the vibrant and lush open-world outdoors, the game looks good in motion. This could lead some players to believe that it could be too much for the aging Tegra X1 chipset in the Nintendo Switch.
However, we do not know if that is the case since the platform was not considered for a port in the first place. Unreal Engine 4, the core graphics tech behind Atomic Heart, has seen many instances on the hybrid console. These range from ports like Vampyr and Fortnite to exclusive games built from the ground up for Switch i.e., Octopath Traveler, Shin Megami Tensei V, and more.
The handheld-cum-home-console has proven itself more than capable of punching above its weight. Even one of the best-looking games to be released this year, Hogwarts Legacy, will make its way to the Nintendo Switch in July 2023. As such, an Atomic Heart port does not seem unfeasible. However, it comes down to developer implementation and testing.
However, that does not mean this will not change in the future. Many recent games have seen late ports to the platform, such as Alan Wake Remastered and Mortal Shell.
So assuming there is enough demand for the game in the future, we could see developer Mundfish invest in a version for the Nintendo Switch as well. For now, the only truly handheld version of the game will be on handheld PCs such as the Steam Deck.
Set in an alternate version of the USSR in 1955, players control Sergei Nechaev. In a world where the Soviets have advanced in robotics, countless humanoid machines have gone rogue and attacked humanity.
Armed with high-tech gloves and weapons, Sergei must deal with the rogue AI situation using force. Levitate and slam foes or freeze them to momentarily cease their onslaught or use weapons to shred through the metal. There are also puzzles to solve and an open world to explore throughout its 20-25 hour long campaign.
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