Nike Dunk Low Panda and Nike Air Jordan 1 Low Shadow have both been taken over by a color combination of black and white. The Nike Dunk Low in white/black colorway, aptly dubbed Panda, was originally released by the swoosh label in 2021, and immediately gained attention from sneakerheads.
Meanwhile, the Nike Air Jordan 1 Shadow in a black/white/gray colorway, aptly dubbed Shadow, was originally released by the Jordan Brand in 2015. Since then, it has taken on many different iterations and colorways.
The Shadow 3.0 colorway is a more recent take on the shoe, which was released in 2020. It takes inspiration from the OG retro colorway released in 1985.
Nike Dunk Lows and Nike Air Jordans are the two most popular footwear lines from the sportswear giant. While one originates from skateboarding routes, the other one is from the basketball world.
However, the two shoes share a common link i.e. their love and hype amongst sneakerheads. The shoes' origins were quickly dissolved and both footwear lines became one of the top lifestyle and fashion choices for brand enthusiasts.
These shoes do look similar, as both silhouettes were designed by the sneaker mogul Peter Moore for launch in 1985. The main difference, however, arrives from their target audience, and while dunk lows were aimed to be promoted amongst youngsters and college kids for a lower price, the Jordan 1 were technical in their making and came out as a luxury entity.
Dunk Lows lacked some of the tech that Jordan 1 had and to this day, their structures are impacted by their backgrounds. Knowing that, let's compare two popular silhouettes from each footwear line.
Retailed at a price of $100 and went onto the reseller market for $200.
Retailed at a price of $100 and went onto the reseller market for $306.
Nike Dunk Lows has continued to dominate the sneaker industry in 2022, with rotations of different colorways, collaborations, and Nike SB releases. Notably, the original pair of Pandas, which launched on March 10, 2021, has become a favorite amongst sneakers enthusiasts.
The pair have been restocked multiple times onto the Nike site due to their high demand and popularity. The shoes have been constructed with a smooth leather upper in the "yin-and-yang" color scheme.
The swoosh extends to the heel counters in a black color, while the black leather overlays have taken over the white base. University hoops have taken an OG colorway in crisp materials with heritage and retro-inspired color blocking.
Air Jordan 1 Low Shadow is inspired by Jordan's iconic 1985 silhouette and colorway. The sneakers feature the same classic color scheme and design with a black, white, and gray color palette.
The upper is constructed with a premium leather base in crisp white color, which is then topped with black overlays. The black colorway further extends onto the laces, outsoles, and tongue. While the swooshes, jumpman logo, wing logo and inner lining details are finished off in a particle gray/sail colorway.
The Nike Dunk Low Panda keeps the classic 1980 Nike logo stitched on a separate tab than the tongue. Dunks also features Nike branding on insoles.
All current Jordan 1's feature the "Jumpan" logo upon their tongue, which is directly stitched-on. Other than tongue, the Jordan 1 laces are slightly skinnier and softer than dunks.
Jordan 1 features the Jumpman branding on the insole as opposed to Dunks' Nike branding.
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