Roblox Crown Academy codes for January 2023: Free Pearls and more

Roblox Crown Academy is an exciting new game on the platform, where players can enjoy a magical role-play experience in a fantasy land. Star Status debuted this game in August 2020, and it has attracted more than 72 million users since it was created back in 2018.

In this game, players can hatch mystical pets such as the Pegasus and raise them. They can also attend mini-game classes, earn Pearls, and level up their characters. With Pearls, players can purchase fancy outfits to showcase their style and have fun with their friends or other gamers.

Users can get Pearls, the title's in-game currency, by using active codes in Crown Academy. This will allow gamers to buy Pets, outfits, and other cosmetics for their avatar. Additionally, the codes will provide new players with a head-start.

Utilize these Roblox Crown Academy codes to get free Pearls and more in January 2023

Active codes in Crown Academy

The following list of active codes will give players free Pearls and other items. Since they may expire at any time without prior warning, gamers are urged to redeem them as soon as they can:

  • 900Players! - Use this code to obtain 250 Pearls
  • ThatTwitterCode - Use this code to obtain Pearls and a Wand of Time
  • NEWCrownDistrictCode - Use this code to obtain free items
  • CrownDistrict2022 - Use this code to obtain Pearls and a Wand of Time

Inactive codes in Crown Academy

As of January 2023, there aren't any inactive codes in Crown Academy.

How to redeem all active codes in Roblox Crown Academy

If players need a little help redeeming active Roblox codes for Crown Academy, the simple steps to follow are these:

  • Launch Crown Academy on Roblox.
  • Press the Crown icon located in the bottom right corner of the game's screen.
  • Navigate to the Twitter Codes tab of the new window.
  • In the text box, enter an active code from the list provided earlier.
  • To receive your prize, press Enter on your keyboard.

Following the completion of the redemption process, players will immediately receive their rewards. However, Roblox codes frequently take letter cases into account. Because of this, gamers should double-check the one they've used before pressing the Enter key. Additionally, this is all the more reason to copy-paste them into the text box during the redemption process.

Roblox Crown Academy offers an expansive world filled with exciting activities and intriguing characters. Players can explore a vast and magical kingdom full of captivating creatures. The world is made up of several different areas, such as the Town of Endor, the Castle of Stars, the Mystic Forest, and the Temple of the Moon. Users can explore each of these to uncover various secrets.

Players are able to level up their characters by completing tasks and earning Pearls. One can use these to purchase the mystical Pegasus, as well as other Pets. These entities can be hatched, raised, and even trained to become loyal companions.

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