When Shaquille O'Neal revealed his "d**k size" on talk show in a classic Shaq way

Shaquille O'Neal knows a thing or two about the struggles of being bigger than the average person. In fact, the Hall of Famer has been pretty open about what life is like for him. On one occasion, O'Neal wound up sleeping on four inflatable air mattresses shoved together when he first got to Phoenix.

In another interview, he revealed the complicated geometry of being able to have sex with his wife. And, of course, there was an interview where the four-time NBA champion spoke about the size of his penis. The moment came during a sit-down with Bravo's Andy Cohen, when O'Neal had the opportunity to either answer questions, or plead the Fifth.

The choice in the game is in reference to the American legal system's Fifth Amendment, which allows a person to remain silent so as not to incriminate themselves.

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After the question, the camera flipped back to Shaquille O'Neal, zooming in on his shoes before then focusing on the NBA superstar. He paused for a moment, seemingly contemplating his answer while the audience laughed hysterically before finally saying, "Let me show you." O'Neal then took off one of his shoes and held it against his leg, giving fans a graphic idea.

For comparison, a size 23 shoe is 15 inches long.

You can see the clip in the video above.

Shaquille O'Neal's size as told by his ex-girlfriend

When Shaquille O'Neal was freshly retired from the NBA, he dated 5-foot-1 actress Moneice Slaughter. Given the nearly two-foot height difference between the two, things were understandably tricky when it came to the bedroom.

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After the two broke up, Slaughter was asked about the challenges the height difference between the two presented. As she explained, they had to get a bit creative when it came to how they worked things, but despite that it was a "fun time" in her life.

When O'Neal was asked about the situation, he revealed that it all comes down to geometry.

“It all comes down to geometry ... 7-1, and take a look. The head is exactly where it should be, and the midsection is exactly where it should be. Geometry. That’s why you need to arch your back.”

Of course, that isn't the only struggle O'Neal has dealt with as a result of his size.

Last year, he revealed that at one point he even tried putting his Air Jordans in hot water like his grandma told him in order to try to stretch them out. Needless to say, it didn't work, and O'Neal wound up with corns on his feet as a result of playing an entire season in the shoes.

As he revealed at the time, that was the last time he bought a pair of Air Jordans.

(Suggested Reading: When LeBron James fired back at Charles Barkley for calling him whiny)

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